Does Your City Offer a Xeriscape Rebate?

Every drop of water counts, especially in a landlocked state like Colorado. Xeriscaping has become a very popular option when it comes to sustainable landscaping. If you have ever wondered about saving water, reducing maintenance, and creating a vibrant landscape, looking into xeriscaping may be a good idea. Your city may even offer a rebate for converting your property to xeriscape.

What is xeriscape?

Xeriscaping isn't simply replacing green with gravel; it’s a smart approach to landscaping that focuses on water conservation without sacrificing beauty. From drought-tolerant local plants to efficient irrigation systems, xeriscaping allows you to create a lush and thriving outdoor space, all while reducing water use. A win-win for both your wallet and the environment!

Perks of xeriscape rebates

Many forward-thinking cities in Colorado including Fort Collins, Loveland, Aurora and Brighton are encouraging their residents to embrace xeriscaping and sustainable landscaping by offering rebates and incentives for homeowners and commercial properties. These programs aim to reward homeowners and businesses for making water-efficient choices in their landscapes such as using good quality soil, grouping plants a certain way, and limiting turf. Rebates often cover expenses related to drought-resistant plantings, efficient irrigation and even rainwater harvesting systems, all of which Habitat Guild can help with. By taking advantage of these incentives, you can save money and water while still having an eco-friendly and beautiful outdoor space.

How to check for xeriscape rebates in your city

Curious if your city offers a rebate or incentive? Start by checking your local water utility’s website or calling them directly. Many municipalities are promoting xeriscape initiatives and can provide you with detailed information about how to qualify for and apply for the rebates. By taking advantage of these programs, you not only are investing in a sustainable landscape, but are joining a community-wide effort to preserve water.

Embarking on a xeriscaping journey not only transforms your outdoor space, but also aligns with a broader commitment to protecting our environment for generations to come. Whether you're a seasoned gardener or just getting started, explore the potential for a xeriscape rebate in your city and let your landscape bloom with eco-friendly vibrancy with help from Habitat Guild.

Resources for rebate information:

Are you ready to learn more about transforming your outdoor space with our landscape services?  Please give us a call or fill out the form and we will reach out. Be sure to check out the Habitat Guild Instagram page and website for photos of current and past projects.

Based in Fort Collins, Habitat Guild is a full-service, premium landscape company providing design, build, and care services in Northern Colorado. We specialize in the artful craft of naturalized landscapes through an ecological lens.


July Landscaping tips for the homeowner


Creating a Sustainable Space